Foxy Chess Openings

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Foxy Chess Openings

Model Product Image Item Name Price
fosv0047 Volume 0047: Sidestep

Volume 0047: Sidestep

GM James Plaskett 85 minutes As played by Nigel Short against Garry Kasparov - 1.d4 d6 2.Nf3 Bg4 is a relatively new system with some high-class adherents. Completely sound, it leads to dynamic and unbalanced middlegames. The defense has the considerable merit of sidestepping standard theory, and...

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fosv0048 Volume 0048: Stonewall Dutch

Volume 0048: Stonewall Dutch

GM Nigel Davies 100 minutes New modern treatment of the Stonewall Dutch, Kramnik-style! Also featuring the antidote to all the Anti-Dutch lines such as the Staunton Gambit and 2.Bg5. Part 1: Modern Stonewall Dutch Part 2: 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nf3 e6 4.Nc4 Bb4 Part 3: Staunton Gambit Part 4: 2.Nc3 Part 5:...

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fosv0049 Volume 0049: Strangling The Sicilian with 2.d3!

Volume 0049: Strangling The Sicilian with 2.d3!

GM Nigel Davies 65 minutes Why fall victim to your opponent's pet Sicilian line when you can out-fox him with the cunning 2.d3? GM Nigel Davies, the pioneer of this new and vital system, explains exactly how you can squash those booked-up Sicilian-ites! Transpositions to King's Indian...

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fosv0050 Volume 0050: Torre Attack

Volume 0050: Torre Attack

GM James Plaskett 85 minutes The Torre Attack gives White the opportunity to build up a promising position with terrific latent attacking potential. White dictates the play from move 3 with this positionally well motivated system. Even players like Karpov and Anand have been caught off guard by...

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Chess For Beginners

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