Foxy Chess Openings

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Foxy Chess Openings

Model Product Image Item Name Price_
fosv0048 Volume 0048: Stonewall Dutch

Volume 0048: Stonewall Dutch

GM Nigel Davies 100 minutes New modern treatment of the Stonewall Dutch, Kramnik-style! Also featuring the antidote to all the Anti-Dutch lines such as the Staunton Gambit and 2.Bg5. Part 1: Modern Stonewall Dutch Part 2: 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nf3 e6 4.Nc4 Bb4 Part 3: Staunton Gambit Part 4: 2.Nc3 Part 5:...

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fosv0049 Volume 0049: Strangling The Sicilian with 2.d3!

Volume 0049: Strangling The Sicilian with 2.d3!

GM Nigel Davies 65 minutes Why fall victim to your opponent's pet Sicilian line when you can out-fox him with the cunning 2.d3? GM Nigel Davies, the pioneer of this new and vital system, explains exactly how you can squash those booked-up Sicilian-ites! Transpositions to King's Indian...

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fosv0050 Volume 0050: Torre Attack

Volume 0050: Torre Attack

GM James Plaskett 85 minutes The Torre Attack gives White the opportunity to build up a promising position with terrific latent attacking potential. White dictates the play from move 3 with this positionally well motivated system. Even players like Karpov and Anand have been caught off guard by...

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fosv0051 Volume 0051: Trompowski

Volume 0051: Trompowski

GM James Plaskett 88 minutes A survey of the modern Trompowski. GM James Plaskett assesses the development of theory in this system and explains new plans that the top players are now adopting. His favorite variations frequently involve gambit play by White. 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 Part 1: 2...d6 and 2...g6...

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Chess For Beginners

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