Purchase 70 minutes
Dirty Tricks Part 1 & 2
Fighting Chess DVD Series Dirty Tricks Part 1 by GM Nigel Davies
A complete repertoire of dirty tricks in the opening , playing e4 with white and as Black against each of 1.e4 , 1. d4 and 1. c4 The first of two Dirty Tricks dvds dedicated to practical and cunning lines, wicked tricks and traps and of course lots of new theory and suggestions from Nigel Davies
Fighting Chess DVD Series Dirty Tricks Part 2 by GM Nigel Davies
Another radical collection of devilish lines. G.M. Nigel Davies recommends , more devious systems to generate devasting attacks right out of the opening. Armed with these lines , dont expect to win any friends. What you will win is your games- in brutal and dramatic fashion!
Both dvds 2 hours 15 minutes
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