This is. In this unique series of films, we are privileged to learn about the struggles and successes of the 13th World Champion from his own unique perspective. The story of his epic journey from teenage hotshot to modern chess icon is chronicled in depth and with revealing detail. For the first...
GM Garry Kasparov & GM James Plaskett In this unique series of films, we are privileged to learn about the struggles and successes of the 13th World Champion from his own unique perspective. The story of his epic journey from teenage hotshot to modern chess icon is chronicled in depth and with...
GM Garry Kasparov & GM James Plaskett This is. In this unique series of films, we are privileged to learn about the struggles and successes of the 13th World Champion from his own unique perspective. The story of his epic journey from teenage hotshot to modern chess icon is chronicled in...
In this unique series of films, we are privileged to learn about the struggles and successes of the 13th World Champion from his own unique perspective. The story of his epic journey from teenage hotshot to modern chess icon is chronicled in depth and with revealing detail. For the first time ever...