Volume 0001: A Complete Defence to 1. d4
Volume 0001: A Complete Defence to 1. d4

Price: $8.00

Date Added: 11/08/2014 by Alexander Shalamanov
The Clarendon Court Defense or the Dutch Benoni, as GM Larry Kaufman calls it in his great repertoire book for White and Black ("The Kaufman Repertoire for White and Black") is a very tricky defense that calls for understanding of the arising structures from the first player. By combining the ideas from the two very different openings (the Benoni and the Dutch) the second player gives the opening quite a fresh turn. He controls the e4-square ( which is good in closed openings) and makes the d-pawn move forward to d5, thus, making possible a K-side fianchetto like in the Leningrad Dutch. If White does not know how to react to this original and tricky opening, he may soon find himself in a bit of a mess and become the defending side. I should note, too, our local NM Vladimir Beznosikov (ELO 2330) has been using it to great effect for over 40 decades and will, undoubtedly, continue using it more. If anyone knows the right way to play against it, he is, surely, at GM level, so you will gain a lot of points in your tournaments if you dare to start playing it. Highly recommended!

Chess For Beginners

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