Russian School of Chess - to train the chess Thinking Formula of how it developed its pieces correctly for the future activity and the piece of coordination p>
This series is one of the most Roman instructional dvds ever produced and is highly recommended for all players as well as coaches. p>
The Russian school of chess has produced through a formula of methods and guidelines some of the greatest players of all time. p>
In this DVD # 62 Romano will explain step by step how he developed his pieces in the best way possible, the future activity and the Coordination p>
Also covered in this dvd b> p>
* The Russian school of chess p>
* Right way to think p>
* Basic positional componets p>
* Blocking of entry and exit Messages p>
* Attack only if your justified p>
* Secret of castling opposite side p>
* Similar patterns in the Opening p>
Concrete thinking in the Opening p>
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